Tuesday 17 August 2010

Want more energy naturally drink Aloe Vera Juice everyday

Let me give you three reasons why I drink Aloe Vera every day.

Firstly it’s a great general health tonic

It’s good for the digestive system keeping the colon cleansed naturally

Gives me a glowing complexion

Aloe Vera is one of the best natural supplements available.

Because it’s a rich source of the vitamins and minerals including 19 of the 20 amino acids that our bodies require to function really well, but cannot store. (Sadly these days deficient in our modern daily diets.) What this means is the body can function at 100% giving us more energy and a feeling of wellbeing.

Healthy Digestion

A healthy Digestive System ensures that the nutrients from the food we eat are more effectively absorbed into the blood stream. Clinical evidence has shown that drinking Aloe Vera causes the bowel to absorb nutrients such as protein more efficiently. It also acts as a natural balancer for the gut regulating the various yeasts and bacteria that live there.

Glowing complexion

These days we are used to seeing Aloe Vera in our skincare products. So we are used to putting it on our skin. But not everyone is aware of the benefits of drinking Aloe. It literally feeds the skin cells. Ensuring they remain healthy.
When they are first produced deep in the epidermis our skin cells are very much alive but as they move up to the surface over a period of usually between 21-28 days they are transformed into thin flakes which fall off. Because aloe is able to provide these cells with vital nutrients to feed them. Which enable them to perform their vital functions more efficiently- as well as giving us a healthy glow.

If you look up Aloe Vera on Wikipedia it’s often referred to as the medicine plant. Originating in Northern Africa. It is soothing moisturising, cooling and healing. It has been found to relieve many varied conditions such as heartburn, Irritable bowel syndrome, burns and skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema.

I drink Aloe Vera juice everyday. It gives me a sense of health and wellbeing it keeps my energy levels topped up. I truly believe it keeps me healthy.

I buy my Aloe Vera Juice from http:// www.aloeverajuice.co

Monday 2 August 2010

Pomegranate Juice - A Key to Healthy Living

Over the past year Pomegranates have become one of the most talked about health foods around.

Often referred to as one of the key 'Super foods' as they are full of antioxidants. Recent medical research supports the fact that there are many benefits to drinking pomegranate juice due to it’s disease fighting properties.

So what actually is an antioxidant and why are they so crucial?

Antioxidants are the antidote to free radicals. These days our bodies are bombarded with such things as air pollution, tobacco smoke, alcohol, car fumes, pesticides, processed foods, fried or BBQ'd foods and so the list goes on. Things that we all come into contact with every day and most of which we have no control over. Our bodies do produce antioxidants but sadly insufficient for today’s lifestyle.

Having a diet rich in antioxidants which come from fruit and vegetables may help avoid free radical damage.

Free radicals attack healthy cells making them incomplete and delinquent. These rogue cells left unchecked can cause healthy cells to malfunction, behave in a different way which can manifest in allergies, cancers and other immune system conditions.

A recent study from the University of California in Los Angeles found men diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer who drank pomegranate juice daily slowed the progress of their cancer significantly. The men drinking only pomegranate juice showed a significant delay in the prostate cancer developing further in some cases by three times as long.

The research suggests that drinking a daily eight ounce glass (0.24 litre) of pomegranate juice can significantly slow down the progress of Prostrate cancer.

Pomegranates are particularly powerful on the nutrition front It’s easy to see why they are often referred to as one of the 'Super foods'. Pomegranate benefits also include the fact that pomegranates naturally reduce inflammation, can reduce cholesterol, reduce cell damage, fight heart disease to name a few of their benefits.

There is a clear message that adding more fruit and vegetables to our diets can have major long term health benefits in terms of delay and protection.

Because pomegranates are such a rich source of antioxidants compared to other juices. They contain 3 times more antioxidants than red wine or green tea. Drinking pomegranate juice has been shown by researchers to harness this antioxidant power .

Choose a good quality, natural pomegranate juice with a high content of pomegranates, low or no sugar content to get the full on pomegranate benefits.


After extensive research I have found a source of Pomegranate Juice which I buy from

Monday 28 June 2010

What is Msm?

Just imagine a sponge that has dried out, it is crackly and difficult to use. The same can happen to our joints without MSM. MSM is the ‘water’ that wets the sponge making it pliable and flexible. Now imagine the sponge is your knee shoulder or ankle. Painful if there is no wet sponge between the joints.

So what is MSM or Methyl sulfonylurea methane to give it the full title. Sounds a bit scary? However it is just a fancy name for the organic form of sulphur. Which is a naturally occurring mineral compound stored in virtually every cell of our bodies. With the highest concentrations being in our skin, hair, nails and joints. It is vital to making our cells more permeable, allowing our nutrients in and the toxins out

MSM has many uses as a potent pain relief and it is anti inflammatory, a cream or gel can be used topically to bring relief from pain. Taken as a supplement it provides a guaranteed source of sulphur. To prevent aches and pains as well as future damage or injury.

After extensive research I have found a natural MSM gel. Which I have had great results with. The source of the MSM is tree bark. Which is combined with Aloe Vera. Which acts as a carrier to the MSM. One of the key factors of Aloe is that it has the ability to penetrate through skin layers carrying the MSM with it. Getting right to the source of the deficiency or pain.

For more information go to www.buymsmgel.co.uk